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Exam Preparation

Examp Preparation

Exam preparations is at the core of what we do because some parents realise the need for tutoring when their children are faced with pressure from examinations preparation. We therefore have core programs to help our students adequately prepare for success in exams.


SATS are the compulsory exams taken by 7 and 11 year olds at different stages of the primary school curriculum in years 2 and 6 respectively. A score of 100 means the child is working ‘at the expected standard’ for a Year 6 child. 80 is the lowest possible score and 120 is the highest. A scaled score of 99 or less means they haven’t reached the government’s ‘expected standard’. It is often important for students to be adequately prepared for these tests as they are becoming increasingly more challenging.


11 Plus Exams are usually taken for children who want to go to grammar school for selective schools. Students aspiring to private and independent schools often have to write selective tests which are similar to 11 plus exams though there are a wide range of variations across schools and across different parts of the country.
At Lextra, we prepare students through a range of approaches which include a well balanced curriculum along with regular small tests to access the students progress across the core areas of Mathematics, English Language, Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning. An important element of preparing for 11 Plus exams include regular and time monitored tests aimed at identifying skill RN gaps that students have and enquiring deeper understanding of the concepts so that students can often predict correct answers as some questions require reasoning in order to eliminate some answers and therefore speed up the time required. It is important to note that 11 Plus exams require a lot more support than is provided by schools.


GCSE and A-Level Exams play a strategic role and are the foundation of most future careers. GCSE Exams are now more weighted as tests that are taken within a certain time frame with most students finding the period intense. Having the right balance of learning, study and personal reflection along with key revision techniques is therefore really important so that the performance of students peak at the right time. We work intensely with students during this period to provide the right.kind of academic and moral support that ensures that they gain confidence going into the exam season.
It is also helpful for students to understand their individual style and to be backed up with the right resources that will enable them gain deeper understanding of the topic areas that are most important in achieving a good grade.
The volume of subjects examined at GCSE and the detailed knowledge required at A Level can prove challenging to even the most clever of students. It is therefore important that students get the help they require to do well on time to ensure their confidence and overall wellbeing. It is important that students are tutored time management skills, good revision techniques and the importance of prioritising their work to make the most of their ability.
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