7 reasons why tutoring is essential for your child’s development

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Dear Parents,

Are you considering tutoring for your child, but you’re not sure where to look, or if it is a worthy investment? You may feel like clarity is required to understand the benefits and rewards this has for you and your child’s life.

Besides the personalised attention given by tutors and the minimum class sizes in comparison to mainstream education. We have a list of 7 insightful reasons, explaining in depth, why tutoring is extremely beneficial for your child.

1. Improves attitudes towards learning

This is important. The concept of education is not limited to school or tutoring, a child will always be learning in their adult life, whether this be at work or with their peers. It is therefore an important life skill to have an optimistic attitude towards learning. This will ensure growth and development for the child well into their adult-life.

This prompts them to think more positively about learning experiences, subsequently filtering positive thoughts and notions towards everyday life! Tutoring can give a student the confidence and ability to perform better in school (this will be reflected in a boost in academic performance) but also allow them to have optimistic responses to what challenges they may experience in their day to day lives.

According to dailyinfographic.com students who were receiving at-least 4 hours of tutoring a week showed a six-month gain in reading and writing.

2. Boosts confidence and self-esteem

A question to you parents reading; what is more rewarding than seeing your child have an idea, but more importantly seeing them develop the confidence to share and express their ideas?

Confidence and self-esteem is vital in the early and later stages of a child’s development. To believe in oneself is the epitome of freedom.

“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.”
Suzy Kassem, Poet. Writer. Philosopher

Within the safe space of tutoring, a trustworthy relationship can be built and flourish between student and tutor, which enables the tutor have the time to understand the student and provide genuine affirmation needed for a student to believe in themselves. The student can confidently express their ideas and thoughts, and is self aware that their voices are valued.

At Lextra,  we are focused on challenging and inspiring our students to independent thought and our tutors are carefully selected based on their capabilities and good intentions towards a student’s learning and their self-development.

3. Creates a safe space

For a child to believe in their own capabilities, environmental factors need to be taken into consideration. Each year, many children fall victim to bullying and experience this in mainstream schools.

This has a detrimental effect on their confidence, self-esteem and even their ability to want to attend school. The solution here is that tutoring creates and allows a safe space for children to express themselves whilst learning too. Safety is a priority and with tutors, students are made to feel safe enough to express themselves without the daunting notion of peer pressure.

4. Freedom to ask questions

It is vital that students feel confident to ask questions whilst learning. They might be afraid to do so in a class full of 25-30 students, in comparison to smaller class sizes with undivided attention given by tutors. According to care.com there appears to be a clear correlation between students who build up their confidence to those who ask extensive questions.

The questions students put ask will never be disregarded or considered unworthy in the safe space and it is guaranteed they will be answered accordingly in a tutoring group. Sharing knowledge is not a burden for tutors, but a reward.

5. Targets students specific needs

If there is a subject your child struggles with whether this be English, Maths or Science, or areas within each that might be problematic for your child, tutors can focus on this. They can choose material strategically and tailor lessons with components that will be beneficial for the student.

Every child is different and what they require each time can change over a period. It is therefore important that tutors do not make narrow judgements about the learning prospects of a child and are flexible to provide targeted support to ensure that each child can achieve their potential.

6. Relieves boredom & makes learning fun

Some students can become restless in class, because of boredom, and lack of interest. Tutors have the ability to asses this trait early within the tutor student relationship, this is due to small numbers within a group.

A good tutor can tailor lessons accordingly and help make the learning process fun for students. Different strategies can be used to engage students with different learning styles. This will ensure that every child can make progress in a reasonable amount of time because their specific learning patterns are acknowledged.

7. Creates healthy habits for future

Tutoring might just be for a short-term period, to help your child with their learning and give them tips for studying and exams, however subconsciously this creates and allows them to maintain healthy habits for future. They will leave tutoring sessions having hope for future prospects and having a positive outlook on their personal lives and what’s to come for them.

Tutoring is about instilling good values and preparing students for what life will challenge them with. Problem solving, listening, engaging in a diverse environment, teamwork with other students, creating relationships. As adults and parents, these are all aspects of our daily lives and we try deal with situations the best way we can. Giving children that extra support whilst they are going through their development phases is essentially what tutoring is for.

We hope this has been an informative and insightful blog for you parents that are still undecided about tutoring and if it will be beneficial for you and your child.

Thank you

Team Lextra

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